My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Beginning

So, what on earth makes me think that I'm interesting enough to have an entire blog by me? Absolutely nothing, but hey, you're the one reading it!

So, a little about me. My name is Katie. You can call me Katie. Don't call me Kate. I really dislike nicknames. Katie is not difficult to say. In fact, it's shorter than most names, so there really is no need to shorten don't :)

I am 26 years old. I'm an Aires. I have no idea what it means to be an Aires other than I was born in the middle of April. Yeah, astrology and such doesn't really interest me, so I have no idea why I'm even mentioning it.

Lately, I've taken to listening to country music. I hate the fact that I like it so much! LOL As I'm driving around, singing along with the radio, all I can think is, "Oh my goodness, I KNOW you're not listening to country music!" I just can't bring myself to change the station though. I almost bought concert tickets the other day to a country singer's concert. I came to my senses pretty quickly though ;) I may or may not have tried numerous times to win tickets from the radio station though.

I'm a mom. That really should have been the first thing I mentioned as it's pretty much all I am lately. I'm bound and determined to be so much more than just a mom though. I used to think I knew who I was. Then, I became a mom and that's all I was. That's all I am. I somehow lost everything else along the way. I'm bound and determined to not only find it all again, but to discover new things about myself that I may have never known. I have five children. Caitlin is 6, Emma is 5, Cole is 3, Ethan is almost 2 and Sera is 1 month old now.

Caitlin just finished the first grade today. She is an...ummmm....spirited child. She's basically a 16 year old girl in a 6 year old body. Not only does she know everything, but because she does, she obviously doesn't have to listen to anything I say. Pretty much the only excuse I get when I ask her why she does something that I had just told her not to do is, "Because I wanted to," with a shrug. Yeah, she's a handful. I absolutely adore her. I think she's going to be the type of person I always wanted to be, but was too afraid of making waves to do it. She has a no nonsense attitude and she won't let anyone take advantage of her. She's not afraid to speak her mind and I absolutely love that about her...even if it infuriates me at times.

Emma is my sweetheart. She's always the first to give me a hug and tell me how beautiful I am. She's quick to help and never complains about it. She'll be starting Kindergarten in the fall and is absolutely beyond thrilled! She is SO ready to get out there and find out what there is beyond the walls of our home. She's extremely sensitive and is always trying to please everyone. She reminds me a lot of myself, which scares me a bit.

Cole is...well, he's Cole. lol He's full of spunk. He has a personality and a sense of humor well beyond his years. Most children his age find something that makes an adult laugh and does it over and over again until it ceases to be funny...then does it even more. Cole, on the other hand, realizes that things are usually only funny once, but will be funny again if you wait a couple of weeks, then bring it up again. He purposely messes up knock knock jokes because he thinks they're funnier when the person thinks they know the punchline, then you say something that makes absolutely no sense, or is actually the punchline to a different joke. He is a constant crack up. He's also my little snugglebunny. One of his favorite things to do is to come into my bed, cuddle up with me and say "snugglebunny, snugglebunny, snugglebunny." I love my little snugglebunny.

Ethan is this thick, solid almost two year old. When he comes running, you'd better watch out because he'll knock you over! lol His favorite thing to do is to pretend he's a dinosaur. He doesn't talk at all yet and he just started walking, so we're a little concerned that he's not meeting his developmental milestones, but he's an absolute joy...well, that is, unless he's taking off his dirty diaper and smearing it everywhere...that's not exactly a joyful experience. He absolutely idolizes his older brother and sisters. They are his world. He follows them around everywhere!

Sera is such a good little far ;) She's having some medical issues, so that has been stressful, but one look at that precious little face of hers and all of your worries just melt away. She gave me her first smile the other day. I was a puddle of mommy love. lol Since then, she's just been all smiles...mainly for her older siblings. There is just pure adoration in her eyes when they're around.

So, like I said, my children are my life. I'm not really much of anyone other than a mom right now. I hope to change that though. I find that I'm so much happier when I can do something for myself...when I can be "Katie" rather than just "mom." When I'm happy, the family is happy, so it really behooves the whole family for me to break out of the mom mold every once in a while.

link | Katie posted at 8:32 PM |


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