My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Friday, June 24, 2005

Projects, projects and more projects

I really need to finish the things that I start. I currently have so many different projects going and no end in sight for any of them. My biggest project that I NEED to get done are my cloth diapers. I want to use cloth diapers, but didn't want to spend the money on all new ones, so I figured I'd make my own. By the time I was done buying all of the materials, I think I may as well have bought all premade ones. These ones will be cuter though, so at least there's that! Why on earth the things my children poop on need to be cute, I have no idea, but whatever...there's lots of pink and they're cute! The boys have a dinosaur print they've been bugging me to make them diapers out of. I figure I'll get those done right about the time they potty train! LOL

I also have a number of different slings I'm making. The material has been cut out, I just haven't sewn it together. Also, apparently the rings for the slings make PERFECT least according to my two older girls, as they have been mysteriously disappearing one by one. I have a sling that I use, so I have no idea why I'm making more, but hey, it's kinda fun. Maybe I'll sell them off :)

I've given up on the bracelets for my girls. I just suck at beading.

Caitlin has been bugging me and bugging me to crochet her a large blanket that will cover her twin sized bed. I made Emma one, then got tired of crocheting, so Caitlin suffered because of that. I really need to get over to Michaels to buy more yarn because her pink yarn has seemingly gone the way of the sling rings. Apparently yarn makes a good leash when your little brother is pretending to be a dog.

I got the girls some necklaces from the Silver Jewelry Club. They absolutely LOVE them! You really can't beat only paying for shipping! I also got Drake a ring since I have never gotten him a wedding band. The one I want is a little over $1000, so I just can't afford it yet. I didn't want to spend a few hundred on something I didn't really want, so I've settled with spending $6 so at least he has SOMETHING that says he's married. (Well, besides a gaggle of kids and no money ;) ) Some of the stuff on that site is WAY beyond ugly, but some of it is pretty nice. You just have to catch it at the right time!

Drake leaves for New York on a business trip on Monday. I'm pretty sad about that. I miss him when he's gone :( He should be gone until Saturday. I'm sure I'll find something to pass the time. Who knows, the house might actually get clean! Oh my goodness, will wonders never cease? Who am I kidding? It probably won't. Drake's mom is coming to visit soon though, so I suppose it has to get done eventually.

Gosh, am I the most boring person, or what? I keep trying to think of witty things to say that will make people laugh, but they're just not coming. Oh well, you can just be bored reading this, I suppose.

link | Katie posted at 3:22 PM |


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