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San Diego, California, United States
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

I hate Reeces Peanut Butter Cups

They are evil. Plain and simple. Somehow they manage to unwrap themselves, jump into my mouth and FORCE me to chew and swallow them. EVIL EVIL EVIL!!! I'm sick to my stomach. I've been sick to my stomach for two days now. However, these evil peanut butter cups don't seem to care. They still JUMP down my throat, making me even sicker. Seriously, it's all I've eaten today because I feel so ill. (Of course, feeling sick is my own dang fault. Word to the wise: if you haven't eaten meat in weeks, don't decide that you can eat many many fried chicken strips. It's a VERY bad idea. You WILL be sick for days following.) I don't think eating nothing but peanut butter cups for two days is going to make me feel any better. However, these evil little things just keep forcing themselves down my throat. WHEN WILL IT STOP!?!?!?!? I keep thinking the kids will eventually run out of peanut butter cups...that eventually the very last one will commit suicide in my mouth and I will be free of these evil little creatures, but they seem to be multiplying. They show up where there were none before. I think these things breed like bunnies! They must be stopped!!!!

link | Katie posted at 5:24 PM |


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