A - Available: no
A - Age: 27
A - Annoyance: my daughter, who isn't listening to me when I tell her to go upstairs
B - Best Feature: ummmm...yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that one
B - Beer: Ewwwwwwww
B - Birthday: April 13, 1979
C - Crush: I used to love orange Crush soda
C - Car: 2006 Hoda Odyssey EX
C - Candy: I can't have candy...I'm on a diet :( I like candy...especially chocolate and sour things.
D - Day or night: night
D - Dream Car: Jaguar XK8
D - Dogs or Cats: Dogs...cats are evil little things
E - Egg nog: I <3 eggnog...especially with a little nutmeg sprinkled on top. YUM!
F - Favorite color(s): grey
F - Favorite Band: don't currently have one
G-Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: I'm more of a giver.
H - Hair Color: chocolate cherry...it comes out of box
H - Height: 5'6"
H - Happy: most of the time
I - Ice Cream: Starbucks Mud Pie
I - Instrument: I've played the piano since I was 4. I'm quite out of practice though.
I - Idols: My mom. She's the strongest person I know.
J - Jewelry: I don't wear any. I'll wear a necklace if I dress up.
J - Job: Mom
J - Jail: Never been. Never plan on going.
K - Kids: I have five. I'd like at least two more, but hubby says we're done.
K - Kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Leon
L - Longest Car Ride: I took a bus from Rexburg, ID to Oakland, CA, but that's not a car. The longest car ride was Fremont, CA to Port Angeles, WA.
L - Lamest Inside Joke: All my inside jokes are way cool! lol
M - Meat: salmon or raw tuna
M - Most missed person: my dad
M - Movie Last Watched: I have no idea
N - Number of Siblings: 7
N - Number of Tattoos: 0...so far
N - Name: Katie
O - One wish: that my children will lead long, happy, fulfilled lives
P - Perfectionist?: at times
Q - Quick or Slow?: depends on what you're talking about
Q - Quiet?: When I'm around people I don't know very well, I'm very quiet. If we're good friends, I'm extremely loud and quite obnoxious at times.
R - Reason to smile: family
R - Reality TV Show: Survivor and Amazing Race are the only two I watch.
S - Song Last Heard: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Iz
S - Season: Spring
S - Shoes you're wearing: none. I never wear shoes
T - Time you woke up: 6:45
T - Time you went to bed: 3 am
T - Time Now: 5:51 PM
U - Unpredictable: sometimes
U - Underwear: Yeah, I wear them.
V - Vegetable you hate: asparagus
V - Vegetable you love: spinach, brussel sprouts, bok choy
V - Vacation spot: I'd like to go to Greece.
W - Worst habit: Too many to list
W - Where are you going to travel next: Sacramento, CA area and the SF Bay Area :D
W - Weather: warm and breezy
X - X-tra special someone: I have a few extra special someone's in my life. Five of them are my children
X - X-rays: Besides teeth...my knee.
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Not a great color
Z - Zoo Animal: Condors
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries