My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wow, it's been a while

Doesn't it seem like every time I post, there is a similar title? Crazy, crazy, crazy. That's what it's been like around here. You'd think that with so much going on, I'd have something to post about, wouldn't you? Well, sadly, I really don't. It's really just been a whirlwind of school, friends, activities, etc. I did get around to writing a Christmas letter this year and will post it when it gets the final approval from Drake.

Drake is currently in Boston. Well, I take that back. Drake is currently flying over the United States somewhere between Nashville and Phoenix. He has been in Boston the past few days for work and is flying home tonight...supposedly. His first flight ended up being diverted to Nashville and now it isn't getting into Phoenix until after his connecting flight has already left, so I have no idea what he's going to do. He may be stuck in Phoenix tonight, which really sucks, because I really wanted him home. It has been a while since he last traveled for work. I'm not used to it anymore, and I miss him. Not that I didn't miss him when he was traveling a lot, but at least then, I was used to it. Now, I'm not and my stress levels are through the roof. It doesn't help that it has been raining, which means the kids haven't been getting outside to play at school, so they're all antsy when they get home, and then are stuck inside at home as well. Not fun at all. They're driving me absolutely UP THE STINKIN' WALL!!!!

Cole recently had a chalazion removed from his lower eyelid. It had been causing some trouble for him, so we decided to have it removed. He came through the procedure remarkably well and can't even tell that anything happened now, except that his eye doesn't bother him! Yay!

Caitlin had her first band concert the other day. She did brilliantly!

I made an unrealistic knitting list for Christmas and have yet to decide who can do without this year, so in the meantime, I'm just knitting away like crazy during all my free time...because, you know...there is oh so much of it.

We leave to go up to my mom's house on Sunday! The kids are SO excited! They have a paper chain that doesn't count down to counts down to Grandma's house. lol They're cute.

link | Katie posted at 7:43 PM |


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