My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Two Trips Coming Up

So, I knew Drake would be leaving again this month at some point on another business trip. I don't know when it will be though. He's already told work he had to be home the week of Valentine's day though because Valentine's Day is Cole's 4th birthday. So, it will probably be the week after that. Not that big of a deal. What's a week out of the month anyways? I've gotten used to it.

We got bad news last night though. Drake's grandma really isn't doing all that well. She's been put in a hospice home and isn't expected to live much longer. Drake's grandma helped raise him. She absolutely adores him. When I met her, she pulled me aside and said, "You take care of my Drake...he's a very special boy." Drake's mom asked him last night if he wanted to fly out to Hawaii soon to see her. She felt that it would comfort his grandma for her to see him again before she died because they've always been so close. So, Drake may be going out to Hawaii shortly after he gets back from Florida. Then, he'll go back in a few months for her funeral :(

So, I may not be seeing a lot of my husband for the next month. Of course, I think he should go see his grandma and of course, he has to go on his business trip...I just hate him being gone so much. I feel so horribly selfish about this. Then, there's the horribly selfish thought of wanting to go with him. I haven't been to Hawaii in a few years and I'd really like to go again. I want to go because I want to be there for him during a difficult time, but I also want to go because I love it there. How selfish is that of me? We really can't afford it though, so chances are, he'll go alone. Besides, I'd hate for Drake to feel like he has to spend time with me while he's there when he should really be spending time with his family. (I would only go for the funeral trip) Ugh, I'm so horribly selfish.

link | Katie posted at 3:45 PM |

Blogger Adelaide commented at 10:05 PM~  

I'm so sorry to hear about Drake's grandma. I will keep he rin my prayers. I agree it's very important for Drake to be there.

And what you feel are very honest feelings. Totally honest, not selfish.

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