My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Calgon...take me away

Okay, so I don't need Calgon to take me away. That would require actually staying in my house...which is what I don't want to do. lol Well, that and I hate baths...just what I want to do...sit in my own filth. I don't care if I shower before hand, I'm still just sitting there marinating in whatever was left on the bathtub after my shower, whatever didn't come clean when I cleaned the tub, and whatever may be left on my body after I shower...gross. I mean, really...who does that? How can you sit there in a bath and not think about all the gross stuff that is floating around in the water that you're sitting in...ewwwwww. Baths give me the heebie jeebies just thinking about them.

Oh, and while I'm on this tangent, let me ask you this...who would EVER go in one of those "rent a hot tub" type of places. You KNOW random people have sex in those hot tubs...then you go and sit in them. EWWWWWWWWWW. There was a hot tub place near where I grew up. It grossed me out just driving by it. I mean, really...who goes in those places? And if you do, why do you go? To have sex, right? Do you REALLY think you're the ONLY person having sex in that hot tub that you're in? Think about it. Ewwwwwwwww. I won't even sleep in my own wet I want to BATHE in someone elses. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

I was reading this message board about where to pick up hookers. I don't remember why I was reading me, I wasn't looking for a hooker. No need to go to a message board for that. Hollywood Blvd, here I come! Anyways, I was reading up on the forum specifically for the area I grew up in. Where was THE place to take your hooker after picking her up? Why, the rent a hot tub place, of course. Lovely. And to think people actually sit in that water for HOURS. Granted, I'm sure they drain the tub between uses. (Or rather, I certainly HOPE so) but still...does it ALL drain away? I think not. What if you go under the water? Now all of that stuff is on your FACE...and up your NOSE...and down your throat....ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Okay, enough of that...I'm grossing myself out. Now, where was I? Oh yes, I need to get away. Tonight I went to a barbecue at the home of one of Drake's friends. It certainly was nice to get out and it was very nice of this couple to open their home to our family. Drake said to me, "You're finally out of the house...are you having fun?" I told him that I was. However, I had kids running around the yard, getting dangerously close to the barbecue, kids bugging all of the adults there, asking for piggy back rides, asking for drinks, etc, a baby who was tired and screaming...while it was nice to get out, it still felt like a chore. Honestly, it's easier to just stay home. I like going out. I like hanging out with people my age. I just always feel like such a nuisance with all of these kids and I just feel like I can't really enjoy myself because I'm constantly having to deal with the kids. I realize this is what I signed myself up for when I had kids. I just wish I could get out without the kids every once in a while. I would LOVE to go out with Drake and his friends...without the kids. I want them to realize I'm more than just Drake's wife, and the woman with the five million crazy kids who are constantly clamoring for the attention of everyone. I want them to know that I'm not really a fuddy duddy and that I can actually be *gasp* fun. Sadly, I don't really know if I can be anymore. lol It's been so long since I've actually gone out with a group of people without my kids that I don't know if I can be social and be anything other than wife/mother. What on earth would I talk about? What if I turned out to be a complete social bore?

I took the kids to the movies today. Drake asked me if the movie we saw was in the large theater or the small theater. I told him I had no idea because I had never been to that movie theater before. He asked, "Really? You've never been to that theater before?" Then I told him that I hadn't been to ANY movie theater down here. I have lived in San Diego for three years now and had never seen a movie down here. This morning was the first time I've been to a theater in San Diego. Sad, isn't it? Even worse...I saw "Cliffords Really Big Movie." Yeah, not quite the thriller one would hope for for their first trip to the movies. lol We're going to see "Cheaper By the Dozen" tomorrow. Woohooo!

Yeah, lots of whining and complaining today. It's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to.

link | Katie posted at 9:39 PM |

Blogger Unknown commented at 2:49 PM~  

I've actually visited that hooker site before but I forgot where I heard about it LOL El Cajon Blvd is a good place for them if you ever want to take a jaunt down there :)

We should take turns watching each other kids. I would love for all 4 of us to go out sometime but neither of us can afford a babysitter for that LOL Do you think I could handle 7 kids by myself (I somehow can't see Daniel signing up to help LMAO)?

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