So, it's August. School starts at the end of this month...thank goodness! The girls are getting so restless and are hating being at home so much. I had really hoped to get out a lot this summer, but that just didn't seem to happen and here it is, almost the end of summer vacation.
With the beginning of a new school year, comes Caitlin's birthday. She was four when she started Kindergarten, but turned five shortly thereafter. She's one of the youngest in her class. Anyways, she was making a list the other day of the kids she wants to invite to her birthday party. Oh my month my little girl is going to be EIGHT!!!! How on earth did all of this time pass? How did this tiny little, not even eight pound baby, all of a sudden get old enough to be turning EIGHT? It makes me very sad that time is passing by so quickly. I just want my kids to stay little forever. They're not supposed to grow up!!!! At least not until I'm ready for them to.
She's starting third grade this month. THIRD GRADE?!?!?!?!?! How on earth did that happen? She's turning into such an incredible, self assured, wonderful young lady. Before I know it, she'll be going into middle school...then highschool...then college...then... I just want her to stay little :(