My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Monday, February 06, 2006

I've been "tagged"

So, Amber "tagged" me. I wasn't entirely sure what that meant, so I went to her blog to see if I could figure it out. There, I found her talking about being tagged, and this survey type thing she filled out for it. I found the comment where she was "tagged," went to that person's blog and saw that they had been tagged and filled out the same survey. So, I guess I'm to fill out this survey, "tag" five more people and force them to go through the same thought process of, "What the heck is 'tagged?'"

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 16 years old. I was a Junior in highschool. I was dating Marcus Gaipa.

2. What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was pregnant with my fifth child (Sera). My car had just officially died and wasn't worth repairing, so I was carless (for the next 7 months!) I was preparing for my son, Cole's, 3rd birthday. (He's a Valentine's baby!)

3. Five snacks you enjoy:
Orange Julius; microwaved pepperoni; (cream cheese, cream and sugar), whipped together; vanilla latte; Starbucks mud pie ice cream

4. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle, To Where You are by Josh Groban, Pretty much all of the songs by the Wiggles

5. Five bad habits:
slacking on housework, biting my nails, playing on the computer instead of doing housework, procrastinating, eating when I'm bored

6. Five things you like doing:
shopping, reading, designing web pages, playing the piano, shopping...yes, I realize I already said that ;)

7. Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
jeans with a zipper at the ankle, banana clip (although I swear I looked hot in them ;), hypercolor shirt, bright blue eyeshadow, yeah...pretty much any signature 80's item.

8. Five favorite toys:
Well, now that's kinda personal, don't you think?

9. Five people I want tagged -
Amber stole the people I would have normally tagged, so I'm going to go for
Okay, so apparently I'm only doing four...they're going to think I'm odd enough.

link | Katie posted at 4:05 PM |

Blogger Amber Lynn commented at 6:50 PM~  

I posted mine from being tagged too!

Blogger Adelaide commented at 10:35 PM~  

Oh god, I was wondering what drugs you were on! Hwa-ha. I'm like: "What the heck is she talking about?" ;-) I have no one to send it to!

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