My Photo Name:Katie
San Diego, California, United States
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Okay, so really, it's been moving day for the past five days, but whatever. We've moved into the condo right next to our old place. It's extremely convenient. I didn't have to pack a single thing! We're nowhere near settled in, but we're sleeping and eating here, so that's a start. I'm happy with the new place, even if you can hear every word the neighbors say. Sucks for our neighbors...I'm a screamer. Get your mind out of the gutter...I'm talking about when I'm trying to get my kid's attention! So anyways, I'm liking the place. It's pretty much the exact same layout as our old place, so at least I know where to put everything! The move is going slowly, but at least everything is being put in it's place rather than just sitting around in boxes.

The girl's went to Sea World today with their friend. They had a blast. I feel like they're missing out because we're not able to take them to fun places like that. It just costs SO much to take the whole family anywhere :( I really think I'm going to have to break down and start taking them camping. Some people LOVE camping. I think I just did so much of it as a kid that I got tired of it. My family went camping ALL.THE.TIME when I was growing up. We went as a family, where we would just drive to some random place, pull over and bathrooms, no showers, no water...nothing. All Dad needed was a river for fishing and he was happy. Then we started camping with church friends. At least we had bathrooms and running water on those camping trips! I have such incredibly fond memories of trips to Turlock. The Sunday water fights, the random hikes, floating down the river in inner was a blast. However, I just have no urge to take my kids camping. It all just seems like such a huge hassle. Drake would love to, I know that, as would the kids. My dad said once that he thinks that every other generation goes camping. He took our family. I don't take mine. Maybe my kids will take their families camping to make up for their lack of childhood dirt, bee stings, and showerless weeks. As for me, I'm happy in a hotel.

I'm hoping to get the kids to Disneyland next year. It would be a shame to live down here and never go to Disneyland. They're getting older, and while Disneyland is a blast when you're with friends when you're older, I just don't think it's the same when you're older with your family. So, I really want to get them there when they're young and still enjoy hanging out with mom and dad. In fact, there are times that the kids even think we're *gasp* fun. Shocking, I know. I really think they would enjoy it. Of course, Sera is too young to enjoy it, but the older kids would love it. Caitlin LOVES roller coasters, so I think Disneyland/California Adventure would be such a thrill for her.

Anyways, that's about all for now. If you don't hear from me for a while, it's because the new house has eaten me. :(

link | Katie posted at 10:46 PM |

Blogger Adelaide commented at 5:36 PM~  

I'm glad it was an easy move. [hug]

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