Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Just because I can...
Yet another useless survey about me! YIPPEEE!!!! 1) best part about winter: caramel apple cider
2) what posters do you have in your room? none...I'm a grown up, I have art.
3) what do you hear right now? Sera screaming...she didn't think she had enough food
4) if you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? I could really go for a venti iced nonfat caramel macchiatto
5.) does anything hurt on your body?? My back...I need to stop slouching at the computer. My workout kicked my butt yesterday lol. My head...I have a stress induced headache. I've been getting those a lot lately.
6) ever take candy from someone? yes
7) what's your job position called? Mom
8) what size ring do you wear? I have no clue
9) do you own a camera phone? yes
10) when's your birthday? 4/13/1979
11) what was your elementary schools mascot? I don't know what Blacow's mascot was. Del Rey's was a dragon.
12) what's your favorite bottled water? Smart Water
13) what's the next event you're going to and when? Does parent/teacher conference count as an event? lol
14) what were you doing at 11 pm last night? chatting with a friend
16) do you exercise as much as you should? nope.
17) did you attend your High School prom? junior and senior
18) did you attend someone elses prom? yes, a couple
19) would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated? boyfriend? Probably not. Husband, probably.
20) your last bag of chips? I haven't had chips in AGES.
21) something red within 5 feet of you? A sticker
22) the weirdest thing you've seen this week? I gained weight overnight...literally, overnight. I weighed more in the morning than I did when I weighed myself right before going to bed, and I didn't eat or drink anything.
24) right or left handed? right
25) sparkly things? I like sparkly things, but I own very few. I tend to lose jewelry.
26) ever crash a car, been in accident?? Yes.
27) do you look good in yellow? Ewwww, no. Does anyone?
28) do you sing? yes
29) ever sang in front of a crowd? yes
31) party in my pants? What a stupid question
32) least favorite color? don't have one
33) favorite kind of pizza? greek olives, artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes and roasted chicken
34) ever have dippin' dots? yup
35) ever made fun of a homeless person? no
36) how old were you when you got a cell phone? 24?
37) future plans: MOVE BACK HOME!!!!!
38) how many driving tickets do you have? I've had a few. I just got one last month. :(
39) how many parking tickets? one
40) do you own your own car? no...Drake owns it.
42) do you want to get married? I already am.
43) at what age do you want to get married I got married shortly after I turned 19.
44) have you ever been married? yes
45) have you ever received a restraining order? no
46) at what age do you want to have kids? I had my first at 19.
47) how many kids? I have five. I would like seven. According to Drake, we're done.
48) ketchup or mustard? it depends on what it's on
49) when is the last time someone deleted you from their Myspace? Last week...I don't know who it was though. lol
50) how many times a week are you on myspace? everyday practically
51) ever been kicked out of your home? no
52) favorite character on Friends? Phoebe
53) ever eat spam? I'd like to say no, but sadly, I have. Did you know that spam no longer has that nasty jelly it's usually packed in? Much better. Have you ever had spam musubi? You're missing out if you haven't.
54) have a crush on a teacher? no
55) favorite store(s)? I like Costco. It has a little bit of everything. lol
56) have a best friend? yes
57) one place you want to travel to Greece
58) if you could have anything right now, what would it be? more money than I know what to do with.
59) five of your all-time favorites: All time favorite what? Caitlin Emma Cole Ethan Sera
60) if you could marry anyone- It would be really wrong if I didn't say Drake lol
61) are you like your mom/dad? I'm a lot like my dad.
62) what stickers do you have on your car? none
Much randomness
1.Who is in the room with you? Emma, Cole, Ethan and Sera. I have no idea where Caitlin is. lol
2. Who was the last person to text you? Frank
3. Whose house did you last go to? Other than my own? Jen and Sean's.
4. Who was the last person you told you love them? Drake
-THE WHATS- 5. What was the last thing you ate? Oh goodness, what a horrible question to ask right after cheating on my diet...chocolate chip cookie *hides head in shame*
6. What was the last thing you drank? water
7. What color pants are you wearing? dark blue
8. What is the closest item near you that is blue? my pants
9. What are you wearing on your feet? nothing
10. What instant messaging service do you use? gmail chat, yahoo IM, MSN Messenger
11. What is your favorite web site?
12. What is your favorite shoe brand? I don't have one.
13. What do you wear more, jeans or sweat pants? jeans...I don't own a single pair of sweat pants
14. What is the last movie watched? Polar Express
15. What do you currently hear right now? Caitlin whining about something, Ethan playing with his cars,Sera tearing up some paper, Cole playing with toys, the clickety clackety of the computer keyboard Emma is using and the clickety clackety of my own keyboard.
16. When is your birthday? April 13, 1979
17. when did you last go to the mall? Saturday
18. When did you last buy a pair of pants? its been a while
19. When did you last take a shower? yesterday...soon to be today.
20. Where is your favorite place to be? Don't have one particular favorite place
21. Where is your phone? Cell phone: in my pocket Home phone: on the table next to me
22. Where is your mom? probably at work
23. Where do you sleep? in my bed, or on the couch if it eats me
24. Where do you shop the most? Starbucks lol Okay, so Albertsons
25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Target
26. Where in your house are you? in the living room
27. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? in front of my house
28. Why did you fall in love with the one you love or have loved? The first day I saw him, I told my friend, "I just met the guy I'm going to marry." I just knew it. I fell in love with him because he made me smile, he made me laugh, he held me close and wasn't afraid to tell me he loved me, he made me feel special, he made me feel safe, he laughed at my stupid jokes, I wasn't afraid to cry in front of him.
29. Why does, basically, half the world have myspace? Because it's an interesting way to keep in touch and to meet new people
30. Why did you pick your MySpace user name? it's my name
31. Why did you pick your myspace background? it's the default
Last dollar spent: Starbucks Last cigarette: Ummmm....can I plead the fifth on this one? It was a stressful week. Last beverage: water Last movie: Polar Express Last phone call: Frank Last song played: Gangster's Paradise lol Last bubble bath: Bath's are previous blahg entry here Last time you cried: last night Last thing you ate: a chocolate chip cookie *sob*
8 have you evers.
Have you ever dated a best friend: I dated someone who turned into my best friend Have you ever skinny dipped: yes Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: no Have you ever lost someone you loved: yes Have you ever been dumped: yes Have you ever been drunk and threw up: only tequila makes me throw up Have you ever ran away: I tried to when I was little, but my mom caught me and I got grounded :( Have you ever wanted someone u thought u couldnt have then found out they liked you: yes
7 states you've been to: California Washington Idaho Wyoming Hawaii Utah What state is Washington D.C considered to be a part of?
6 things you've done today: (in no particular order...) woke up took Drake to work ate a cookie *cries* changed a diaper took a nap browsed the internet
5 of your favorite things in no order. Good friends My family Icecream Starbucks open mouth baby kisses
4 people you can tell anything to in no order. Tracey Frank Drake Seth
3 things that make you smile. my kids puppies good friends
2 things you want to do before you die. get a college degree go to Greece
1 one thing you can't live with out my family
1. You and Jesus go out to dinner. Who Pays??? Dude...who's really going to hand Jesus a check? I sincerely hope He would get comped.
2. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt an alias. What is it? Victoria Dolorosa
3. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently? Ohio...does anyone really live there?
4. You wake up as the opposite gender. What's the one thing you wanna try? I have no idea. I'm very happy being a girl, thank you very much.
5. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? Yoda
6. Toy you always wanted as a child but never got? I can't think of one. If I REALLY wanted it, my parents did their best to get it for me
7. Top four celebrities you wanna do. I wanna "do?" Do people still say that? I don't want to "do" any celebrities. I'm a little above "doing" random people.
8. What's an automatic deal breaker in a potential significant other? There isn't much I can't forgive
9. What is the last movie you saw that actually scared you? The Ring. That movie is just creepy.
10. Stupidest thing you've ever said out loud? I can't pick just one.
11. You're sentenced to death and it's the morning of your execution, what do you want to eat? Filet mignon- medium rare, lobster tail, mashed red potatoes and lots and lots of butter.
12. What's something that most people do that you've never done? I have no idea...I'll try anything twice
13. Before you die you want to? buy a home, get a college degree, see my children grow up into happy, well rounded people, play with my grandbabies,
14. Something you'd really like to do but probably won't ever be able to do? Go to Greece
15. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet? I'm not a fan of keeping wild animals for pets. I think it's sad and wrong.
16. A drug you'll never try? I don't plan on trying anything not prescribed by a doctor...I'm all about prescriptions though lol
17. If you were an animal what would you be? I'm very happy as a human, tyvm.
18. If you had to marry someone you knew at the age of 12 who would it be? What do you get if you cross an elephant and a rhino? Yeah...same answer.
19. What's something most people don't know about you? I'm extremely insecure
20. First celebrity crush? That guy from Silver Spoons
21. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities? a whip? lol kidding...I have no idea
23. Favorite breakfast ? Oooh, I LOVE breakfast. Stuffed french toast from IHOP is a sinful delight. The french toast from Aldo's Harbor Restaurant in Santa Cruz is HEAVENLY though.
24. Favorite 80s song? I have no idea.
25. Worst way to die? Slowly and painfully while my family sits bedside and watches. Seriously...if I'm going to die anyways, please overdose me on morphine so no one has to deal with the pain.
So, there you go...much randomness about me. Now, there's ten minutes of your life you'll never get back. :P
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Don't even know what to think or how to function
So, this post is going to be a bit cryptic because I'm not going to post exactly what's wrong, but am going to post some of my feelings about it. There are some things going on in my life that are leaving me confused, frustrated, upset, sad, worried...well, pick an emotion and I'm probably experiencing it. I don't know exactly how I feel about it all. On one hand, I'm scared to death. I'm afraid of the changes I might be facing. I'm afraid of not being able to handle the changes. I'm afraid of hurting the people that I love the most. I'm afraid of not being strong enough to do the things I need to do. I'm afraid of making changes, only to realize later it was the biggest mistake of my life. I'm afraid of failing my children. I'm afraid of failing myself. I'm afraid of...all sorts of things. On the other hand, however, I'm relieved. I'm relieved to finally be doing what I feel needs to be done. I'm relieved to finally be proactive about the things that have been bothering me. I'm relieved to finally be strong enough to do the things that have needed to be done for a very long time. I'm relieved to know that things will be way or another, things will change. So, things can go one of two ways. Either things will stay pretty much the same, only we'll all be much happier, or things will change DRASTICALLY. I'm sincerely hoping for the former over the latter. However, oddly enough, I have a sense of calm in regards to the latter. Perhaps it's because I don't think it will come to that, or perhaps it's because I realize that if it needs to happen, it's the best thing for all involved. I feel confident in the choices I'm making...more confident than I have in a very long time. However, in the meantime, the uncertainty of the situation and the overload of emotions is pretty much all consuming. While I may feel a sense of calm in regards to one possible outcome, it still scares the heck out of me. There is so much unknown where that decision is concerned. So much of my life can become so screwed up with one choice. I know that things will work out no matter which way things go. They always do. Somehow, no matter what's going on in life, things have a way of working out. It still scares me, fills me with sorrow, dread, anger...yeah, all the bad emotions. I feel as if I'm just going through the motions right now. Things are raw and painful. I do mundane little things and feel like they're so pointless when my world feels like it's falling down around me. However, it's these mundane things that allow me to hold it together. They keep me going, doing the things that need to get done to take care of my family and keep life together for everyone. That's my job, afterall, is it not? Taking care of my family...that's what's most important. Doing the best thing for everyone involved...most especially the people who depend on me for everything...for life itself. In the grand scheme of things, that's what I'm responsible for. It's time to live up to those responsibilities.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
A funny story for the day
So, I was told recently of a conversation that was had between a student, her father, and her teacher. The dad was called in because his daughter was hitting people. The conversation went something like this: Teacher: Your daughter has been hitting boys and that just isn't acceptable. Dad: Why have you been hitting boys? Girl: Because they're stupid. Dad: Honey, that's not a good reason. There are far too many stupid people in the world to be hitting them all. *sigh* It's all too true.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Eight? Seriously....EIGHT!?!?!?!?
 I swear time is just passing way too quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital, scared to death, thinking that there was no way I could give birth to, yet alone RAISE a human being! I was just a teenager! What was I THINKING?!?!?!?! Now, here we are, eight years later, and I think I'm doing a pretty dang good job. I've got this incredible, talented, caring, strong willed, stubborn, amazing little girl who just isn't so little anymore. Happy birthday to my not so little girl, Caitlin.
Some pics from Disneyland!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
She's awesome
So, I picked up the girls at school today and, as usual, asked them how their day was. Emma said, "I had a HORRIBLE day at school." I asked her why. She said, "I lost my best friend." In pushing a bit further, I find out that she has these two friends...we'll call them Danna and Savannah...because, afterall...those are their names. ;) Danna and Savannah don't like eachother. So, they told Emma that she couldn't be friends with both of them, so she had to choose which one she wanted to be friends with. Emma told them she didn't want to choose, but they told her she had to. Later in the day, Danna pulled Emma aside and told her that if she didn't choose to be her friend and not Savannah's, she was going to tell the teacher that Emma had hit her. Emma didn't want to get in trouble, so she told Savannah she was choosing to be Danna's friend. Before I even had a chance to respond, this is the conversation Caitlin and Emma had: Caitlin: "You should tell Danna that you're not going to choose and then tell the teacher what Danna said so you won't get in trouble if Danna does lie and say you hit her." Emma: "I can't do that because then I would be a tattle tale and no one would trust me." Caitlin: "Well, I don't care if your friends trust me or not, so I'll go tell the teacher. I just don't want you getting in trouble because your friend isn't nice and lied to the teacher." Emma: "I don't know..." Caitlin: "I'm going to talk to your teacher before school tomorrow. Oh, and at lunchtime, sit next to Danna." Emma: "Why?" Caitlin: "Because I'm in charge of your lunch period (She's in student goverment and is in charge of keeping order during the 1st grader's lunch period) and I want to have a little talk with Danna. So, just sit by her so I know who to talk to." Emma: "Okay. What should I tell Savannah?" Caitlin: "Tell both of them that you won't choose and that if they say you have to, then they're not good friends at all because good friends don't tell their friends they can't be friends with someone else." Emma: "Okay. Thank you Caitlin." Caitlin: "You're welcome." I'm not sure I've ever been as proud of Caitlin as I was on that short trip home today. Drake and I have always done our best to instill in our children the value of family and taking care of one another and that home is your safe haven where you don't have to worry about the issues that you worry about at school or with your friends. Short of kicking the girl's butt that made Emma cry at a karate tournament (don't was on the mat and she was supposed to kick her butt lol) I've never seen Caitlin truly show that she understood what it meant to take care of your family. When she was talking about having a "talk" with Danna, you could clearly hear in her voice and see in her eyes, "No one messes with MY family."
Friday, September 15, 2006
Boys are gross
I like all things girly. My girls grow up in a flutter of pink and lace until they start choosing their own clothing. I'm all about doing their hair, dressing them in pretty dresses, forcing them to wear cute, uncomfortable shoes, etc. For Caitlin's first Easter, I had some pictures taken of her. When I showed them to my family, NO ONE'S first reaction was, "Awwwww, look at how cute she is!" It was, "Wow, she's wearing PANTS! I've never seen her in pants!" and it was quite a while before they ever saw her in pants again. She was about seven months old at the time. Edited to add Easter photo and an example of an everyday outfit for my young girls :)I was SUCH a tomboy growing up. I camped, I fished, I learned to shoot a shotgun and rifle, I climbed trees, I played in the mud. I remember once, grossing my mom out because I started a fly collection. I was in our backyard, would catch a fly, place it between two cups, shake it as hard as I could, trying to kill it, then stick it (usually still alive) with a pin to a piece of styrofoam. I thought watching these flies spin around on the pins, trying to get away was just fascinating. (Okay, so not as a young child, but look, I have a big gun!)
I don't know what has changed, but not only am I not like that anymore, but I've become the antithesis of that. I'm overly girly. However, this poses a problem when I have two boys. When I say I have two boys, I mean, I have two BOYS. They are all about running all over the place, playing in the mud, eating dirt, climbing trees, jumping off couches, etc. I was reminded of this on two seperate occasions today: Ethan was standing in the living room, next to an open door. Sera went up to the door, SLAMMED it as hard as she could and the door knob SMASHED into Ethan's head, sending him flying to the floor. I freaked out. It hit him HARD. I ran over to him, expecting him to start screaming any moment. I was all ready to hold, cuddle, give kisses, all to calm him down. I said, "Oh my goodness, Ethan, are you okay? Sweetie, Mommy's here, are you okay?" He looked up at me with the HUGEST smile on his face and said, "That was FUN!!!!! Do it AGAIN!!!!" He actually ENJOYED getting hit and flying across the room. I just don't get that. I'm used to my girls who, when they so much as think too hard, are crying because they're hurt. I heard Cole smack the wall with his hand. He started walking over to me, looking VERY pleased. He said, "I GOT it! I killed the fly, wanna see it?" I told him, "No, just throw it away honey, then go wash your hands." He looked upset and said, "I just dropped it. I can't find it." and started searching the floor. I saw something wiggling around and told him, "There it is, it's still alive..." and before I could finish off with, "Just pick it up and throw it outside," he JUMPED ON IT WITH HIS BARE FEET!!!! He then, being VERY pleased with himself, said, "There, NOW it's dead!" and jumped on it once more for good measure. I was so grossed out. So, I'm going to try to be a better "boy's mom." I'm going to try to be less protective of them when they are pretending to be Superman, jumping off of tall objects, going to try to be less bothered when they want to roll around in the mud, going to try to be less grossed out when they want to know what insects taste like, going to try to be less disgusted when I find squished, slimy worms in their pockets when doing the laundry. I can do this!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
New icons
Did you notice the new icons at the top of the page? They're not as pretty as the others, but I felt like changing a few and these new ones fit my personality, if not my aesthetic taste. The one I love the most, I also hate the most. I love it because it's SO me. I hate it because the person who created it spelled squirrel wrong and my OCD just twitches everytime I look at it. LOL It probably won't stay up very long because I just can't stand to look at it. So, as an explanation: " OMG, I'm Wearing SOCKS!" I never wear socks. I have a few pairs of very cute socks, but I never wear them. You will ALWAYS find me in flip flops (goodness, it pains me to call them that...I call them slippers, but I know Joe Average Reader calls them flip flops, so for the sake of clarity, I'll call them flip flops.) I actually just recently bought 8 new pairs of socks. Four pairs are white, four pairs are black. I wore a pair of socks each day at Disneyland because I figured flip flops (okay, now that you know I call them slippers, I'm switching back to what I normally call them because flip flops is just weird) wouldn't be the best thing to walk around Disneyland all day in. It felt VERY weird wearing shoes and socks. I'm happily back to wearing my slippers and not having to worry about socks. I was recently reunited with the second sock in my pair of Super Girl socks...I thought it was lost forever. I'm tempted to wear them just because they're so dang cute! " I've spent so much time being everyone else. Now I want to be me." Pretty self explanatory. I've always been on this quest to figure out who I am. Problem is, while I have wanted to, I really haven't done anything to further myself. I want to be more than wife/mom/housecleaner/cook/chauffer/etc. but what have I done to be more than that? Absolutely nothing. Lately though, the interest has been sparked to actually do something about it. What sparked this interest? I have no idea. It wasn't there and then it was. Who am I to question it? lol I'm tired of sitting back and waiting to figure out who I am and what I want to be whenI grow up...time to actively go find out! I was talking to Drake the other day about possibly signing Caitlin up for tennis lessons. I told him that I thought tennis was fun and that I was decent at it, so maybe Caitlin would be as well. This brought up the fact that Drake had no idea I knew how to play tennis. I told him that I had taken it for P.E. a couple of times, and had, in fact, been asked to be on the high school tennis team, but declined because tennis just didn't hold that much of an interest for me. Then I added, "Now had there been a raquetball team, I would have been all over that. I LOVE raquetball." He looked at me like I had grown two heads. LOL He had no idea I actually enjoyed any sports. Don't get me wrong...I really don't enjoy most sports, but raquetball and badminton (if you can really consider badminton a sport lol) are both very enjoyable to me. He then suggested that I find someone to play raquetball with, find a court and make it a scheduled thing...something to do for myself that I enjoy and would help me get and stay in shape. I think it sounds like an awesome idea! He then added that as long as the someone I found to play with wasn't a guy...typical. lol So, I might just do that. It actually sounds like a lot of fun. " I'm not random, I just have many tho...Oh, SQUIRELL!" It pained me to even type that word incorrectly. lol But, it was just too perfect to not put up for at least a short amount of time. My mind is constantly roaming. I can be talking about one thing, and thinking about a completely different thing, that is somehow VERY distantly related to the topic at hand, but if I brought it up, would leave people with that "What the heck are you talking about and where did that come from?" look on their faces. lol With people I don't know all that well, I do my best to limit the amount of seemingly random thoughts that come out of my mouth. But, my closest friends...lucky them, they get totally uncensored Katie. I can be in the middle of one thought, stop mid sentence, and start talking about something COMPLETELY different, but there really is a train of thought that led to the newest just happened to be all in my head, so no one gets it. One of my many endearing...yeah, that's it...endearing qualities. " Dork" Pretty self explanatory. I'm a huge dork. I love it. I embrace it. Those glasses look just like mine. They're awesome. I'm thinking of getting new ones soon though. I've gotten used to the ones I have now though, so I may not. I like change though...sometimes. So, that's it. Explanations of all my new icons, whether you wanted them or not! Have an awesome day!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Home again, home again, jiggity jig
So, about one o'clock this morning we finally got home. We were all EXHAUSTED, but had a wonderful time at Disneyland! So, we got up there on Friday evening and checked into Embassy Suites on Harbor Blvd...about a mile from Disneyland. The hotel was wonderful. It was beautiful and you just can't beat their complimentary, made to order breakfast! Saturday was spent at Disneyland. We had an awesome day. The kids had SUCH an amazing time! We woke up late on Sunday and decided that rather than rush around, trying to get to Disneyland, we'd take the day to relax, then go to Downtown Disney later for food and shopping. It was a nice, restful day after a long day at the park the day before. Monday was spent at the park. We noticed that there were a LOT less people on Labor Day than there were the Saturday before. I guess a lot of people spent that day traveling home. We were able to go on rides pretty much non stop because we would fast pass the rides we wanted to go on, then wait in line for the rides that didn't have much of a line, then we'd get right on the ride we fast passed. We got to the park right at opening on Tuesday and it was DEAD. If we ever go again while we live down here, I'll definitely be going mid week. We started at California Adventure and were able to walk right on every single ride. Then we went to Downtown Disney and the kids all made stuffed animals at the Build a Bear Workshop. They LOVE them. Ethan dressed his up as Superman (go figure!) Cole dressed his up in a polo shirt and khaki pants...exactly the clothes Cole himself likes to wear lol, Emma dressed hers up in a karate gi, and put a green belt on it (that's the rank she'll be getting on Saturday!) and Caitlin, of course, dressed hers up as a princess. You can totally see each of their personalities in their stuffed animals. It's too cute. After that, we spent the day at Disneyland. There was almost NO ONE there! We were able to walk right on all of the rides, and were even able to just stay on and go around again on a few because there was no one in line. It was unreal! By that time, though, the kids were just EXHAUSTED. The last day wasn't a lot of fun because they were so tired they could barely walk. Ethan actually fell asleep on It's a Small World. All he needed was a nice air conditioned place to sit down, apparently. lol After the park closed, we went to Downtown Disney and had an AMAZING dinner! We ate at the Jazz Kitchen. I had the Rockefeller Filet Mignon and Drake had the blue crab topped salmon. Oh my goodness, it was HEAVENLY. For dessert we had the double chocolate bread pudding. It's been quite a while since I've tasted a dessert so yummy! Seriously, if you're ever near Downtown Disney, you absolutely MUST eat there!!! There was live entertainment, which was awesome because it kept the kids happy. By the time our dessert came out, four of my five kids were sound asleep at the table though. lol Sera was the only one still awake and she was just clapping her little heart out for the pianist/singer. She LOVED it! After that, it was a quick jaunt home. I had no idea that I was only an hour and a half away from Disneyland. LOL You learn something new everyday :)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Guess where I am!
Why, I'm in none other than the "happiest place on earth!" Well, technically, I'm at my hotel. Blogging from Disneyland itself seems a bit excessive. The hotel is nice. I really enjoy this chain of hotels. (I'll post what hotel I'm staying at in my first blog entry after getting home...wouldn't want some pyscho stalker coming to my hotel and finding me or something ;) ) Last night was our first night here. We went to Downtown Disney and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Drake and I shared our meals because I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat. lol So, I had the 2 lb. lobster and Drake and the macadamia nut crusted snapper. Both were HEAVENLY. I preferred the lobster though. (Go figure!) Sera has a HORRIBLE time adjusting to new surroundings. At home, she has her own room and has complete silence when she's trying to sleep. Here, she's in the room with Drake and me. So, she had to go to sleep with us in the room, which was nearly impossible for her, but then she had to deal with the noise of the stupid sofabed all night long. (The kids are using the two double beds in the actual bedroom portion of the suite) Sera must have woken up at least ten times last night and just SCREAMED for who knows how long. Needless to say, I was HORRIBLY exhausted this morning. She's doing a bit better tonight, but that's just because she's so dang exhausted after a full day at Disneyland. So, we went to Disneyland today!!! The kids had SO much fun. They LOVED almost all of the rides they went on! I was really concerned about the new Pirates of the Carribean. I was afraid it would be all cheesy since they redid it for the new movies. Thankfully, it was really tastefully done and a lot of fun. They stayed true to the majority of the old ride. The kids LOVED the Haunted Mansion. Tomorrow we're going to hit some more rides that we didn't get a chance to go on today. I think we may also hop parks and spend some time at California Adventure and see what that's like. Ooooh, I almost forgot to mention...Drake fixed my camera!!! Okay, well, technically I suppose it's his camera, but whatever. I use it more often than he does. Apparently when I changed lenses last time, I didn't put the new one on correctly and that made the shutter not work and so on and so forth, so I didnt' actually break it like I thought I had! Yay me! However, that means you won't be seeing Disneyland pictures right away because I SO much prefer my manual over my digital and I'm HORRIBLE about getting film developed! So, I think I have discovered LA's favorite song. I was able to listen to US 95.7 almost the entire drive up. Eventually, the static got bad and I was forcedto change the station. *sob So, anyways, I ask Drake, "Can you please change the station? The static is bugging me. Just find something good." By "good" I meant for him to find a local country station. His definition of good apparently differs from mine. So, anyways, I approved of the radio station he turned it to because it was playing Evenescence. I couldnt' have been listening to that radio station for more than 45 minutes because I just haven't been in the car up here all that much, but I have heard this song at LEAST four times. Seriously. So, because it has been stuck in my head for the past two days, you get to read it and get it stuck in yours! Let me know that I've done wrong When I've known this all along Go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Who has to know When we live such fragile lives It's the best way we survive Go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Who has to know The way she feels inside (inside) Those thoughts I can't deny (deny) These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie) And all I've tried to hide It’s eating me apart Trace this life out I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret) I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Dirty little secret Dirty little secret Who has to know? who has to know? So, now you know LA's favorite least according to the radio station I've been listening to up here.